The loving giantess - this was a fun custom with the following instructions: "[ACT ONE; encounter] Romantic giantess. You would be in sexy purple lingerie and super-tall heels (the heels won't appear on camera). You would be walking outside casually when you stumble across a human man, which would be represented by a Ken doll. You are a lonely giantess and you've come across your first sighting of a human man in over a year. You say a few words to remark what you have come across. He wants to run, but you stop him from escaping and want him to stay. In reality, you're lonely and want the man to keep you company, but don't tell him that (show it, but don't say it). You convince him that he's lucky to have met you, an awesome giantess such as you, and that he should keep you company for an hour or so. You even say you'll feed him and reward him for hanging out with you. Regardless of his choice, you pick him up, cradle him in your cleavage, and take him back to your place. [ACT TWO; six minutes long, bedroom.] In the next scene, you have already fed him dinner and now take him back into the bedroom of a giantess. (Just make sure there aren't too many "normal" things in the shot that a giantess wouldn't own; the simpler the bedroom looks, the better.) You admit to be turned on by him and proceed to seduce him on the bed and strip him down to his underwear (or nude). However, you DON'T have to include any nudity of your own or X-rated stuff. You talk for a few seconds to seduce him and assure him that although you're huge, you'll be extra gentle with him and that he shouldn't fear being with a giantess. You rub his finger along his body for a few seconds to give him a body massage for 30 seconds, then start slowly gently kissing his face/head in your hands for about 30 seconds. Then have him explore your thighs and booty, crawling all over your thighs while you lay on your belly on the bed for about 1 minute. Then you lay him on the bed with his arms spread out and press your single breast (one) against him as if he's hugging your boob, several times. Then, you'd cleavage smush him between your breasts, pinning him between your boobs and the bed for about 30 seconds. (The first time, you'd use one boob, then later, you'd use your cleavage; both boobs.) Then you turn over and put him in your cleavage in your bra, and smo ther him between your giant breasts inside the bra in order to pleasure you and him for about 60 seconds. Then you lay him down on bed and kiss all over his body, making out with him again on the bed, smooching on his chest and kissing all over his body for about 60 seconds. [ACT THREE; one minute or so, bedroom.] The last minute or so of the video would be you talking about how you'll be his cool, sexy giantess as you think he's hot, but think men can't handle a relationship with a girl your size. You then offer to carry him home, as with your giant long legs, it'll be a quick walk back. Although the people in the city will be scared of seeing a woman as BIG as you once again. But you're fine with that."
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