I have been doing some shopping and I find myself desperate to pee. I go into the shopping center and head for the family bathrooms. It's very busy so I try to wait for it to quiet down. I go into the family/baby changing area and decide it's best if this big little uses the grown up bathroom this time. This bathroom only has one changing stall and since it was busy because of summer vacation, it's best to use this another day. I do give a quick tour before I head off to the land of the bigs. The grown up bathroom is also busy, but there are more stalls. I go in one and close the door. You can hear people in there with me. I pull down my leggings and pee in my diaper. It's pretty full and close to leaking. I show you my mess and take it off, wrap it up, and stick it in the "sanitary napkin" bin. I get out my wipes and clean myself and have a little play while I'm at it. I stick the wipe in the bin and put my new diaper on and pull up my leggings. Very naughty and public
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