With Dakota Charms! Losing control is for the weak girls and I am a strong girl with a strong bladder. I'm going to do a pee holding challenge because I didn't have pussy control in my last pee holding contest. Stripping my bike shorts and skimpy top, I reveal a shiny bikini that shows off my sexy curves. I've already had two big jugs of water and on my third one. I'm going to do bladder holding for you. Sucking down the water through a straw, I'm ready for the pissing challenge. Doing the potty dance, I'm still confident that I can win. Gulping down more fluids, I'm psyching myself up for victory. This is harder than I thought and I'm not sure I can hold it any longer. My bloated belly is full of urine. That's a lot of pee in a puddle (implied), but maybe we can try a bathroom holding contest later? OTHER KEYWORDS - female desperation pee struggling incontinence challenges arrogant woman arrogant women big tits curvy hourglass figures selfie fetish fantasies fantasy amateur candid kink brunettes with green eyes non-nude @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please see my profile!
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