ENSLAVED FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE As a CIS WHITE MALE you will need to PAY! As a good male “ally” you will mandatorily be turned into a CUCK. Not just a cuck – a bottom bitch too! The time for payback is now, and since you won’t do so – I will have to check your privilege FOR you, whether you want me to or not! Don’t think we don’t have ways of ruining you, lest you do exactly what I WANT! … Or do you wanna get metoo’d? I’m soooo thrilled to make you watch as your wife gets fucked by big dicked People of Color! By the way scum: You WILL make sure you PAY your reparations. It’s not near enough that I’ll treat you like a barely human slave because cishet scum like you DESERVES it! It’s time to finally learn more about social justice – how exciting! Not that you have much of a choice.
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