There’s something very wrong with you, loser. You’ve never quite fitted in, have you? Always felt a bit different from everyone else. Well, that’s because you are! You’re completely broken and there really is no way of fixing you. You’re a nervous, quivering wreck of a ‘man’. I don’t know why or how you’ve ended up like this, but what I do know is that nobody is going to want to procreate with you. Which brings us round to what your actual purpose in this world is. You’re clearly not fit for any purpose beyond being humiliated and used by hot women like me, you’re certainly not fit to make decisions about yourself and your life and so I’m going to be taking those decisions out of your hands from now on. Oh, that’s right, I’ve got plans which will change your life forever, all to my advantage. There’s no point in trying to resist, the evidence I have is overwhelming and with the videos of you I have on my phone, the judge will definitely agree.
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