I’ll explain to you why you feel so uncomfortable and what I’ve been doing to you while you were out cold. I’ll give you a clue now, it’ll leave you utterly humiliated. Then when you realise I was taking photos of you doing those things, you’ll get really worried. But that’s just the start. Next I’ll tell you about how I took your phone and made a copy of all your contacts’ details. And now, all it’ll take is a few taps on my phone to send these extremely embarrassing photos of you to your boss, colleagues, friends or anyone else. If you don’t want that to happen, you’re going to have to do everything I say from now on. To give you a taste of your new life, I tell you my first demand. And it’s a big one. But you really shouldn’t hesitate. In fact, from now on, your phone better never be on silent, because you don’t want to keep me waiting when I make a demand. So get this clip now to find out how I tricked you into this situation, hear about how I’m going to use you from now on, what the extremely humiliating situation I put you in is, and what your first task as my blackmailed bitch is.
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