*this is a custom clip The clip starts with Nyxon sitting at a desk & facing the POV. "Thanks for coming so quick, Spider. I'm having an issue with an android I found. I wanted her to be my bodyguard, but it didn't work out that way. I installed a personality in her, and now she has become self-aware. I have sent her location to your phone & I know you have those spider bots of yours. Hacking her from a distance won't work. There is a flaw in her system that if she overheats, she shuts herself down. I need you to erase any info she has on me. I know you'll come up with something". The scene changes to Honey working on a laptop. The scene then changes to a POV of Spider. Spider places a small spider on the ground & slides it under the door. Now, the POV is of the camera is the POV of the small spider robot. The spider crawls all the way to Honey who's working on the laptop. The spider then bites Honey's ankle. "Ouch", says Honey. She grabs the spider robot & smashes it in her hands, ending the camera feed. Spider's POV shows Honey's temperature rising on his phone. Scene now shows Honey struggling with the heat. She removes her jacket & pulls up the legs of her pants to her knees. She then removes her shoes & socks. "Oh no. I'm going to power down", she says. POV switches to Spider walking into the room to examine the powered down Honey android. Spider touches Honey's bare feet, the places a spider droid on her head. Honey's eyes open & she says in a monotone voice, "Reformatting mind". The last scene is in Spider's POV. Honey is laying on a sofa & her hands are placed on her stomach. Nyxon walks in to congratulate Spider on the awesome job. "Her brain has been wiped? Great! Now about that payment". Nyxon goes to hand Spider a pen drive, but quickly pulls it back. "Wait", she says. "You help me make her into a bodyguard & I will give you extra. Deal?". POV nods & clip ends.
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