For an adult man, you certainly act like a little whiney bitch. A grown man should NOT have temper tantrums when they get rejected or when things don't go your way. Are you not mature enough to act appropriately? I am going to punish you and treat you like the brat that you are. Insert these suppositories. It's about to get cruel and nasty. I'm going to put these plastic M3 diapers on you. It will be taped on so you can't remove it. Your hands will also be taped so there is no hope of breaking free from the dirty diaper. You are going to soil yourself multiple times until you learn a lesson. I don't care if it takes all night or multiple days. You are going to be a nasty, smelly messy brat. You better learn quickly so you don't have to go to work in that soiled crinkly mess tomorrow.
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