Giantess Murdah always gets her way and she won't stop until she does. A group of tinies has banned together in hopes of stopping the giantess. They've all decided that if they run and hide the giantess can't find them and eat them up like snacks anymore. They've constructed mini sky scrapers and have put so much time and effort into their new protective town. But little do they know, they're efforts are no match to her massive ginormous thick meaty dirty soles. Upon discovery of their tiny city, the giantess immediately begins humiliating their efforts by showing them their size comparison to her massive feet.pfd All it takes is one swift stomp to begin the chaos and destruction for these tinies. Stomp after stomp. Step after step. Their tiny civilization falls to the ground all while the giantess plucks the tinies from their hiding spots and prepares them for a snack. Watch the destruction unfold in this giantess vore clip.
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