This was a custom fantasy fulfillment. My beautiful face, piercing green eyes, full lips, and long sensual hair enrapture you. My sensual, seductive gaze leaves you in a puddle. Gaze into my beautiful eyes and get lost in your attraction to me. Find yourself completely at my mercy and my control. "I really like your very long hair, eyes, lips, chest and body. Saw the previews of your videos on and was wondering if you can make me my own custom eye and lip fetish video. You can wear your hair down with a very intense smoky eye look and a sexy seductive shade on your lips. You can look back at me as intensely as you can and stare back at me like you never stared at anything before and ask me about how you look and everything you heard about me my massive eye fetish and lips and mouth fetish and watch you talk about your face, body, hair, lips and eyes and your eye makeup, how much I love to play with your hair, watch what kind of body language you give me with your eyes and and how much I love to sit naked on your lap pushing my boner against you and spending all day looking each other nose to nose very closely in the eye. You can tell me how much I love to look you very closely in the eye for hours and hours and focusing very closely at your pupils and deep inside your eyes. You can tell me all of your kinky thoughts about all this too. Then I want you to give me your most intense stare back at me and tell me to lean closely and look deep into your eyes. Then we can lean in and you can give me an extreme close-up of your eyes as if I'm nose to nose with you and then I'll lean in and we'll stare very, very closely into each other's eyes for a few minutes and watch the body language you give me with your eyes as I look as deep as I can into your eyes. You can give me commands too. Then we can go back to normal and then we'll lean in and look deep into the pupil your right eye for a couple mins, watch what kind of body language you give me with it then lean in and look deeply into your left eye and pupil for a couple minutes and do the same thing then we'll go back to normal then I'll watch you touch up your lips with the perfect shade. then when you're done you'll let me lean in and look very closely at your lips and then I'll watch the muscles in your mouth moving while you talk about your lips, about sex, all kind of sexy things and sexy thoughts you may have and watch you press your lips together, watch you lick your lips and smile you make me orgasm and then we'll move out to normal and you can say whatever you like. The more intense you can make the custom, the better. I can handle it." Experience mesmerize, face fetish, eyes fetish, close up, seductress, seduction, goddess worship, mind fuck, green eyes, powerful woman, cleavage, long hair, sexy, trance and the ultimate in sensuality and sultry fantasy fulfillment.
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