Step-Momma Vicky Vix is washing dishes when she hears you talking disrespectfully in her earshot. She tells you to watch your mouth around her but you didn't listen. She turns around again and tells you that she's sick of your filthy mouth, so she's going to teach you a lesson the old fashioned way. That's right, a way that you'll never ever forget. Vicky picks up a white bar of soap from the sink and starts lathering it up in her hands. She's going to wash your mouth out thoroughly with her big white lathered up bar of soap. She brings it close to your mouth, the soap and her hands are all foamy with bubbles. "This is what you get for saying those horrible curse words in front of me." She tells you to "OPEN UP" as she washes your filthy mouth out by sticking the foamy bar of soap in and out of your nasty mouth. She goes back to the sink to make sure she keeps it nice and lathered up, then makes you lick all the bubbles off her hands too. Lastly, she makes you bite, chew, and swallow the entire bar of soap hoping your filthy mouth will finally be cleaner.
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