It's our first date and we meet at a restaurant. I start out super reserved and almost nervous but then I accidently let a burp out in front of you and I get so embarrassed!! Actually just fucking kidding, as our date progresses the real me starts to come out and I honestly can't stop fucking burping!! You have never been on a date with a BBW and even more so someone who burps as much as I do!! I notice that every time I burp you get more and more excited! Your cock is looking so hard beneath your pants! So then I stop giving a fuck and I just get ruder and nastier with the staff and the guests at the restaurant burping so loudly making them all feel uncomfortable! I blurt out rude things to everyone as I rub my fat belly and burp loudly not giving a single fuck who it bothers! I notice how horny I get you with my loud burps so I tell you to take me home so you can finish rubbing my fat belly naked and cum to my burps! #bbw #burping #belching #bigbelly #burps
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