I want you to dedicate every weekend to Jozefien worsship. Every weekend you're going to bow at my alter, wrapped back in under my erotic spell.. your weak mind wrapped around my pretty finger. Buying, binging, stroking.. losing yourself under my direction. Every weekend I want you in my clip store, expericing submissive ecstacy again and again.. addicted to pumping.. addicted to stroking... addicted to Empress Jozefien. Every weekend you come back to me, to bow, binge, worship and surrender all control of your mind and body. Mentally manipulating your thought patterns with intense hours of worship. The need to worship will only grow stronger, dedictating more hours, more time, more days to worshipping my power and beauty. Through intense edging and goddess worship, I'll mold you into my ideal version of a submissive serving under my rule. Dedicate yourself to me. Dedicate your life to pleasing me. Don't you want a woman like me to remember you? Work hard to make yourself memorable.
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