I've been in my yoga room this morning stretching out my body when low and behold my bowels tell me they have a workout of their own coming in HOT! I jump up and run to the potty so I can alleviate myself and fill up my throne. I laydown one solid log and then use my bidet to fill up my belly so that I can push the rest out! It takes a few tries but the result is satisfactory. Am I the only one who seems to enjoy this act more than most? I mean, complete and utter euphoria passes over my entire body when a hot one slips out from between my cheeks. Saddle up, I'm going to leave you alone in the bathroom with this one and have you sit over my throne to stare longingly at it and sniff until your nostrils are permeated by my fragrance. After you've had a enough I'm going to give you a swirly for being a good boy.
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