Normally the tallest and strongest in the room, 5'7 150 lbs Akira finds herself out of her element when she comes face to face with amazon Mikayla, at 6'3 and 205 lbs. Twoering over Akira, Mikayla teases and picks on Akira's size and muscles- telling her how much stronger she is than her. Enough talk, it's time to demonstrate! Mikayla sweeps Akira off her feet in one graceful, powerful movement, leaving Akira helplessly dangling in the air with her feet kicking to try and get down. Tossing and throwing Akira around, Mikayla demonstrates to Akira all the ways in which she can physically dominate her. Finally having enough, Akira summons all her strength to lift Mikayla clean off the ground in an impressive muscular feat. Shocked and impressed with Akira, Mikayla carries her off to have more lifting fun together...
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