It’s baffling to me that most honest women spend their entire lives around men, mixing in with them, falling for them - without ever understanding the very deep nature of the male psyche. The innerworkings of their reptilian brains, what motivates them, what makes them tick. So many of us remain blissefully oblivious to such subtle details. Luckily for you, I’m no honest woman. But should you decide to buy this clip, something tells Me you might not have much of a problem with that… would you now? I doubt you mind that I’m an intelligent, manipulative and greedy seductress who knows just the right buttons to push to make a man Her thing. All types of men too, from the overcompensating, boorish jerk to the soft and timid little nerd. See, men’s mind are kind of like doors; and each door has its very set of own key. When you’re a woman like Me… let’s just say that you learn how to generate keys on demand. And you, seem very in demand, boy… So, tap in with Me. Let Me have a conversation with your inner simp, would you ?
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