I’m in the mood to try something very cheeky indeed ;) I’m wearing a cream coloured top, a pink pair of panties, and my shapely legs and my cute little feet are bare. My bladder is ever so full and really needs emptying, which is perfect for what I have in mind. I have an empty glass bowl in front of me…can you guess what’s coming next? ;) I place it in the middle of the carpet and squat over it, and all at once a warm jet bursts through my panties and steadily fills up the bowl :D My bladder is tingling with pleasure, and the whole thing feels incredibly cheeky. When I’m finished, I stand up and show off how wet my panties are…but I know that they could be wetter. So I take them off and put them into the bowl, which is full of my warm liquid, and give them a thorough soaking! Now they are ready to slide back on! I love pushing my panties to the limit ;)
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