In the first part of this journey: I've been traveling internationally with My Husband for tennis matches. I see you on the court being a servant. We were good friends a long time ago so I ask why you were being a servant. You tell Me that in this country you are now a slave after being convicted of a crime you didn't commit. Later that day I invite you over and tell you that I'm very rich now so I've paid to take your servitude over. You are My property! In the first part of this journey: I've been traveling internationally with My Husband for tennis matches. I see you on the court being a servant. We were good friends a long time ago so I ask why you were being a servant. You tell Me that in this country you are now a slave after being convicted of a crime you didn't commit. Later that day I invite you over and tell you that I'm very rich now so I've paid to take your servitude over. You are My property! Now your servitude to My husband and I has started and I give more details on what your new life, under My reign, entails. I demean and torment you with the ideas of your lower class status. I even tell you how your silly adult figures have begged for their son-fantasy to be free. And instead of being kind, I enslave them as well. Yup! Now you and your adult figures are My servants. I love that for Me, but humiliating for you. Now go fetch Me a beverage, slave!
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