1920x1080 HD **GFE** Look I brought you snacks to fatten you up! I was serious about wanting to gain. I brought a whole thing of donuts and zebra cakes. I also am going to encourage you to ditch whatever else you are eating and start eating greasy, fast food. I also am going to want you to up your calorie intake and gain massive amounts of weight. I literally don't want your clothes to fit. I want you to have to struggle to put your clothes on and then eventually not be able to fit in them AT ALL. You'll have to keep buying clothes for your growing body. I cannot wait to see what a Piggy you turn into. Also to help with this encouragement I'm going to ditch my diet and eat with you. We can both be piggies by the end of our journey. Not even being able to recognize the bodies we once had. I want you go get a double chin, literally the whole 9 yards.
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