One of your parishoners comes to you oneday stating they haven't been feeling themselves lately. They have been waking up in places they ndon't rememebr going, doing things they don't rememeber doing. They plan to go to see a doctor but decided to seek your wisdom beforehand. During this conversation,otherwordly occurnances happen and this pious women becomes...something else. A Demon!? It is a Demon! And this one is too powerful for you or the pious woman they posess! The Demon temps you to use the host anally then informs you that at a later date the Demon will return demanding to be bred to bring rise to the AntiChrist! search tags: breeding. religion, blasphemy, demons, demoic, church, father, POV, shame, virtual sex, breedimg, punky, punk, emo, emogirl, coloured hair, brunette, brown eyed girl, makeup,tattoos,piercings,tattoos and piercings,Canadian, Canada, wavy hair, curly hair, alternative, alt, goth, gothic,o0pepper0o, oopepperoo, 00pepper00, oOPepperOo, alternative, alt, POV, #SpookySzn
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