Tara wakes up cuffed to a chair. Confused and alarmed, she begins to struggle to get free. She notices the keys for the chains are on a table beside her. She wonders why they would leave the keys but quickly gets them and tries to unlock the handcuffs. After some fumbling she manages to get the key into the cuffs and takes them off. She manages to uncuff one of her ankles but she has to run off before taking the other off. Outside, Tara realizes she has been taken to the middle of nowhere. No roads or houses can be seen, just trees and brush and trails that lead no where. As she runs the chain trails behind her, still tight around her ankle. After running in circles Tara starts to freak out a bit. She takes a break from running, trying to figure out what to do. She goes to run again but is immediately jolted back into place. The open anklecuff has closed around a metal pole sticking out of the ground! After realizing she lost the keys, Tara struggles to break the chain but no matter what she does it won't. The cuff is so tight she can't get her boot off and she tries to get the pole out of the ground but it's no use. Tara is terrified that her taker must be looking for her, but no matter how hard she struggles or what ever she tries she can't get free. She escaped the first trap but it doesn't look like she will have such luck this time...
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