Lauren Ashlyn in "No Man's Land" On a mission towards discovering new frontiers, a group of space travelers have crash landed onto a distant planet. Desperate for help, they make their way towards any sign of civilization. Unlucky for them, this planet's dangers are on a scale much larger than their own. An unsuspecting Lauren Ashlyn wreaks havoc on the tiny explorers, not even noticing most of them. However, when she does notice them, she mistakes them for bugs, relieving them of their earthly existence. Grossed out by this newfound infestation, Lauren makes her way outside to smoke, when she hears the strangest noise. Following it through, Lauren comes across a tiny spaceship at her feet. After picking it up and inspecting it for a second, she notices a strange glow down by the water. Putting the spaceship down, Lauren bends over to inspect the tiny beings, when she is barraged by gunfire. Initially scared, she backs away until realizing that their bullets are having no effect on her. As the tiny invaders continue shooting, she has had enough of them, and smashes them with her hand. Intrigued by the strange glow, she reaches down... The video flashes forward into an unknown present, where we find Lauren collecting tiny beings and boxing them up into prepackaged gifts, but for what purpose? Video contains: Booms/Shakes, Screams, Unaware, Aware, POV, Shoe Crush, Hand Crush, Butt Crush, Entrapment, No Dialogue Originally Published Jul. 2019
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