Here's the back story. Guy calls and escort service and request a heavily pregnant, tall, ditzy escort. On your way to his house, you take a pregnancy potion and by the time you arrive, you a hugely pregnant. Costume. The yellow dress from one of our previous videos and the blue tights with the crotch cut out. Also have the black ones handy with crotch cut out, if possible. Also, have some lip gloss available. No bra. Appearance: More makeup than your usual makeup ( up to you on how you are made up ). Have hair in piggy tails. Video: The escort has already arrived and is already talking to you. She is short, so the camera angle should be down ( like at the start of the shrinking video ). Let him admire you as you show him how you look in your outfit. Explain how you felt as your belly grow larger every minute on your way over. Remember, you are playing a "dumb blonde" so get her a valley girl kind of innocence, but you don't need the accent. She is foul mouthed however. Take off the dress to reveal yourself with the blue tights still pulled up. Tell him not only can you feel the baby moving, but you can feel your belly still growing. Show him by interlocking your fingers on your belly and slowly pull them apart as if your belly is swelling beneath your hands. Tell him you know he requested a tall girl, but there were no tall escorts available and you were afraid to take a growth potion since the last time you did that you grew so big you couldn't get out of the room until the potion wore off!! Have him take a sip of the potion you gave him before the video started. Suddenly the cameras point of view is at your height. He has shrunk to your five feet!! However, instead of playing it as he shrunk, play it like you are the one growing! Go on about how you know he likes big girls, or women. Take down the pig tails and tell him you aren't a girl, but you are a growing woman. Seductively apply the lip gloss to bring home the point that you are a tall, confident woman Tell him anytime he wants her to become taller than him, to take another sip which he instantly does. Suddenly he is only breast high. Talk about how much bigger you are than him and tell him things would be more interesting if he took another sip. Now his vantage point is belly high. Stand over him and start to do a bump and grind. The vantage point gets even lower during the dance. Now you are so big that he is only pussy height. Take off the tights. Keep up the growing woman talk. Tell him you'll be right back. Make as if you exit the room and come back wearing the black pantyhose. Of course you'll have to cut at this point as I don't want "dead air" while you are changing. Come back into frame wearing the black pantyhose and at this point the camera is a low as you can get it. While you were gone, your client took the rest of the potion and is so small you have to take a few seconds to find him. He's smaller than a dildo. Make a point of this. Stand high over him and do a chair dance over him as you pull your pussy lips apart. After the dance ends, tell him you'll have to stay and baby him for a few days since the potion takes a week to fully wear off. Sit on the edge of the bed and start to finger yourself since it'll be four or fives days before he can pleasure you. But you are so horny from the pregnancy potion, you need sex now. Suddenly get an mischievous look as you realize he can pleasure you at that size. He is about to become your human dildo
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