*Custom Request Your step-daughter comes home from school in a bad mood. She had a bad day. You are going to cheer her up the best way you know how. Good old fashioned fart jokes. As she's telling you about her day, you say, "Hold on a second." And you lift your leg and fart. She laughs and goes, "Ewww! " You say you had a big lunch. She's still talking, and again, you go, "Uh oh." And fart again. She laughs as you fan your butt and smile and say, "Excuse me." Then you go, "Wait. I think it has some relatives." And you fart three times in a row. You and your step-daughter laugh. Later that night, you're about to take a shower, and you're im a t-shirt and bikini underwear. You check on your step-daughter again and she says she feels better. You say you'll feel better after this, and you say, "Pull my finger." You stick out your butt and rip one. You both laugh again, and you say, "I need to take a shower after that one!" As you're walking out of your room, you accidentally drop your towel. You say, "Oops." And as you bend over to get it, you let out a big fart. You tell your step-daughter that you will have a Girls Night. Just the two of you. You're going to order food, buy junk food, hang out, and watch movies. You tell your step-daughter she can pick. She wants Chinese food. And flaming hot Doritos. You say it sounds great. Later on, you are changed into some cute workout shorts and top. You say that beef & broccoli was delucious, as you rub your belly and burp. You both laugh, then say, "Wait, I got more." As we hear you fart. You fan it away, and say, "There's that broccoli!" You're on the couch, watching a movie, when we hear a fart sound. Your step-daughter looks at you, as you smile and say, "Yeah. I farted." You then say Doritos and Chinese are a bad mix. You lean forward and let out a few farts in a row. You make a face and say, "Oooh. These farts are spicy! Is there steam coming out of my butt?" Your step-daughter laughs and holds her nose. You laugh, and say that you're glad she's feeling better. You push out another fart, and say, "Uh oh. Pause the movie. I have to go to the bathroom after that one!"
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