I am in a hotel bathroom on vacation. I turn on the shower and get my body and hair nice and wet. I sit in the corner of the tub and wash my hair with shampoo After I rinse, I get on my knees and wash my hair with conditioner. Next, I get some gel and rub it over my pubes. Then I glide the razor across my pubic mound. Then I prop a leg up to get the razor to shave around my pussy. Once I am done shaving, I soap up a loofah with some liquid body wash. I seductively wash my tits, ass, and pussy, before running the loofah all up and down my legs and then shaving. I grab the shower head and rinse off, especially enjoying the hot water hitting my clit just right. Now I am a nice clean and shaven Ali who had a lot of fun in the shower. Kisses
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