Pristine Edge comes into the medical clinic because she's new in town, and needs her vaccinations updated. She is sent to Dr. Fhelgud’s office. Nurse Sofie sits Pristine in Exam room, and leaves. As the Doctor enters Pristine is sitting on the exam table, and she looks anxious. He walks in, and he lets her know that he'll need to do a full physical exam in order for her to receive vaccines, since she's a new patient. She gets a bit upset and tells him she wants her boyfriend present because she's nervous and shy with male docs. Dr. Fhelgud sternly tells her he doesn’t allow spouses in the room, and she needs to submit to the physical if she wants her shot. Since Pristine is visibly upset, so Doc sends in Nurse Sofie. Nurse Sofie is kind and reassuring, and she tells Pristine not to worry she is in good hands. Dr Fhelgud comes in the exam room, and Pristine asks for the Nurse to be in the room too. Dr says it's not protocol, and he tells her the exam is beginning now. He begins by looking at her eyes, and ears, feeling her throat. He then listens with his stethoscope to her lungs and heart by lifting up the T-shirt. She gets a bit nervous at him lifting her top up. He then tells her to lay down on the table, and he lifts her shirt up to her bra and makes sure shorts are pulled down to her hip bones. He listens with the stethoscope to her abdomen she complains that “it's cold” and she appears to get more nervous. He taps her abdomen and feels her sides with one hand on each side. and she giggles a bit. He has her sit up, and he has her remove her top and bra, while complying with his order, she complains this is too invasive for a physical. HE sternly tells her she needs to comply. He does a breast exam with her sitting up, then he has her lie down flat again, arms above her head, and does the breast exam again. .as she gets aroused again. As he works his way down to her abdomen again, she complains it tickles. He keeps feeling her abdomen more a more sensual and sexual manner, and she is getting excited, so she does without hesitation. She is more aroused and admits to him that she's secretly into doctors. Doc then performs a vaginal exam, and he is very inappropriate and touchy, but Pristine is very aroused and she is clearly enjoying it. Nurse Sofie calls for the Doctor to take an urgent call, and he leaves and Sofie comes in to check on Pristine. She is very touchy as she checks on Pristine’s well-being. Pristine admits she is very aroused and kind of embarrassed. Sofie, while touching Pristine, says he has a great bedside manner so she should just relax and enjoy the rest of the exam. Sofie is absentmindedly fingering Pristine, and she goes down on Pristine, and licks her pussy. Dr Fhelgud walks in and excuses Sofie after they are done, she is in the room to assist. He pulls her to the end of the table, and they begin to fuck. Nurse Sofie stops by for some assistance, and then Pristine sucks and milks the cum out for a spunk oral rinse. Doc says that he is all she needs.
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