Allie is coming back from a fight at the gym she just got into but it was a weird fight. The girl just kept punching her in her belly but more specifically in her belly button. It was an incident at her gym where the girls got into a really heated argument over a machine,that boiled over into a FIGHT! A very weird fight the girl some how got on top of Allie and started punching her right in the BELLY & BELLY BUTTON it hurt so bad. I couldn't even fight back she caught me totally off guard for the first time in a long I LOST a fight! All I could do was beg and pleaded for her to stop and she wouldn't she kept taunting me as she kept pounding on my belly. She kept digging her fingers into my belly and even my ribs, there was nothing I could do, all I did was cry out for her to stop and cry out for help and no one did Allie tries to keep her head up after losing the fight even talking to herself in the mirror helping her cope with what just happened. Dam Allie maybe next time
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