You sit on my kitchen table after volunteering yourself to be my food. I ask if you're sure that's what you want. I show off my boobs and ass, which you will soon be part off. I lean in really close to you, tell you I'd have no problem gulping you down, and then begin licking my lips. I open my mouth wide and hold it there, showing off the back of my throat. I burp in your face once and continue flaunting my mouth. I tell you that it's too late to back out and talk about the process you'll go through... sliding down my throat, plopping into my stomach, absorbing into my body, padding my curves... after a couple more taunts, I slowly give you a view of my belly and boobs as I lift you up to my face. I open my mouth wide and stick my tongue out, teasing you some more with my well-lit throat, uvula in full view. As I'm about to lower you in, you stop me and ask if you can walk in on your own. I find this quite amusing... I put you down and extend my tongue so you can begin your journey down my tongue. I instruct you to walk in and lay down, head first, looking down my throat. You hesitate, and I remind you this is what you asked for. You slowly enter. 3rd person POV- I stand gulping you down and loudly burp as I trace your descent into my stomach. I rub and cradle my belly as I thank you for being an easy snack. I decide to go take a nap and enjoy the feeling of you in my belly.
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