It's time to take action Everybody follow me now! We have to go without fear Through the fog And the darkness of the ghostly forest And after crossing, what a thrill! The bridge of the castle We will find something horrible and criminal. If you look closely you can find Baron Samedi non-stop sodomizing his sweet and fragile Harlequin practicing sex non-stop, fucking in the pine forest It's never enough for these two specters, they just want to enjoy and enjoy and enjoy. Avanzad sin cesar entre nieblas y tinieblas A través de un oscuro bosque aterrador Al pasar un pinar llegaremos a un castillo Donde un monstruo nos espera en su interior Si miras bien podéis encontrar al Baron Samedi sodomizando sin parar a su dulce y fragil Arlequin practicando sexo sin parar, follando en el pinar nunca es suficiente para estos dos espectros, solo quieren gozar y gozar y gozar. HAPPY SPOOKY HALLOWEEN
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