Script: Last night u had mommy find out you really enjoy panty hose,.....so much so uve been stealing hers and ur sisters. Youve been taking them back to your room and jerking off with them , with one foot in ur mouth and other wrapped tightly around ur cock....mom was getting ready to go out and well....she delayed it for some handjob fun..... Today its the next day and ur still reeling from the night before....seeing mommy in her nude pantyhose, ripped hole in her crotch....well now shes home from work...and shes been thinking about u all. day. long. she cant get enough of you, the pantyhose addiction she needs more.....now shes going to give you a foot job....then blow you with the pantyhose still on....but dont worry,...as long as the pantyhose stay on your cock , we're not doing anything bad right?
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