You're such a good step-son. You do anything I ask without complaining-- even if I ask you to sniff step-mommy's farts through her sweaty stockings. They are incredibly stinky today and I need to get them all out of me before I go to a very important meeting. Otherwise I will stink out the whole office and lose the deal I'm trying to secure. Your job is very important to my success, so please do your best okay? That's why step-mommy loves you so much. You know the bubbly wet farts are so so rotten but you sniff them all up for me anyway. When I lie on my side, I push out some very deep and bubbly gas bombs that are some of my favorite farts ever. Then when I'm finally finished, I take off my gassy stockings and stuff them in your mouth. Please suck all the stink out of them while I'm gone. Wash them with your tongue. That's my good boy!
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