You wake up tied up and notice you're in a place you've never been before. There's a witch talking to you. You don't know what's going on. She reveals to you that every Halloween she honks for a person who hates it to have a fun Halloween night for herself. She puts a spell on you and you can't talk to reveal how you really feel about honking. She makes a box of tissues appear and starts honking loudly. She laughs at your inability to speak and says how scary this night is going to be for you. You just sit there listening to her honking. She teleports you both to her honking room, full of tissues and decorated for Halloween. She magically enhances your hearing and her honking is even louder now. She is having a time of her life. When she is done, she brings you back to normal and you reveal to her that you indeed love her honking. She realises she got the wrong person, laughs nervously, decides to honk some more for you and wishes you Happy Halloween.
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