It's your birthday sissy bitch. I've had that little cock locked up for a whole year. You've begged, you've pleaded you've debased yourself in ways I didn't think you would for my amusement. I can't believe I'm saying this but you may just have earned your once a year jerk off session. No I'm not going to touch it. I only touch the dicks of real men. You don't have a dick, you have a clit. It's gotten even smaller since you've spent all this time in chastity too. Next year it might be just a little nub and nothing else. Then you'll truly have just a clit. HMMMMMM.....should I just leaved you locked up till your next birthday to see if that happens? That sounds really intriguing. That thought gets me really hot too. How long has it been since I've pleasured myself in front of you. Well today is your lucky birthday. The thought of you being locked up for another year is just so fucking hot. Caged, denied for two years. I'll still strap on fuck you and give you prostate orgasms. Those are just as good right? They're not the same thing? They're not as good? I don't care. The thought of you denied for another year is just too hot. I'm going to cum. That was amazing. Did you like your birthday present? watching me cum was it. Next year though I promise I really will let you out. No really I promise now get back to your duties chastity bitch
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