**Viewer discretion advised!! Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed it really helps me! Thank you!** My friend Zoey convinces me to watch a scary movie that supposed to be so scary it comes with diapers because it makes people wet themself. She comes over and tries to hand me a diaper to wear, but I just make fun of her for wearing one and tell her it's just a stupid marketing thing. No one actually pisses themselves...As we're watching the movie I start to realize how on edge it really is making me feel and by the final jump scare, we're both pissing ourselves! But Zoey is the only one wearing a diaper! I jump off my bed and continue peeing, making a big puddle on the floor...Zoey stays over because she's too scared to drive home. She wears a diaper to bed just in case, but I refuse. Then that night I have nightmare that the killer is coming after me. I piss my pants in my dream and then wake up to soaked bedsheets! But when Zoey offers a diaper, I still refuse!...Later that day we're both at in class and I can't help but take a nap at my desk...I again have a nightmare...I wake up at my desk in pampers, confused about how a diaper got on me. Then suddenly the killer walks in. I'm tied up and my mouth is taped and I piss my diaper!...But I also piss myself in real life and make a big puddle on the floor at my desk in front of everyone. Zoey wakes me up and I hurry out of the classroom as the other students make fun of me. I finally accept I need diapers and buy some at the store, trying them on in the bathroom stall. Once I get home I nap again...I wake up to the sound of a loud crash and hear footsteps. I quickly hide under my bed, but the killer finds me and pulls me out. I'm gagged and bound. I'm so scared I pee my goodnites. Then I'm eaten out until I cum and diaper fucked until he cums inside me! Omorashi Jeans wetting omo
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