Story: This demon has finished their training to become a fully fledged succubus and now its time for their initiation ceremony, where they'll be required to service a higher level demon to earn their first succubus seal by getting filled with cum. Creator note: I am super late but Happy Halloween everyone, I had planned on getting this out over the weekend but ended up being sick all week so I wasn't able to film anything so here's a belated halloween vid. I wanted to try something new with this one by trying to do a little story but it ended up kinda rough (I still feel shy trying to dirty talk) and my fucking machine ended up breaking down in the middle of filming so I didn't get a lot of usable content with it which was disappointing but I think I was able to improvise to come up with some decent content still so I hope you guys enjoy. I'm hoping to do more with my dear little succubus in the future (demon gangbang anyone?) cause I really love this costume so you guys can look forward to that!!
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