Pink Lemonade Pie is a reciple that has been in my family forever. Only in my grown up years have I really taken notice to how fattening the dessert really is! Made with cool whip, sweetened condensed milk and other fattening ingredients, the pie is just as fattening as it is delicous and boy is this pie the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. This week I decided to make and gorge myself on this sickeningly sweet concoction that has plagued my families waistline for years! I wanted to share this recipe so that feedists can get a glimpse into my life and get a look at one of the many dishes that has been responsible for my incredible weight gain. Feeders will be able to replicate this dessert for their feedees and feedees will be introduced to their new food obsession. I apologize in advance, for if you do try my recipe it is most likely you'll end up morbidly obese- like me.
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