With Dakota Charms! Fee fi fo fum, who's entered my home? I'm so tall, you can't even see all the way up my long legs. My stomping feet are hovering over your houses. My blue toenails could crush your little bodies if you don't cooperate. Where is your Dictator? The foot stomps cause your ground to shake and you won't give me his location? My bare foot crashes down and smashes your town. My pointed toes emphasize my strength against your puny bodies. Nobody can stop ME! Includes a bonus scene of someone who thought they could get away from ME! OTHER KEYWORDS - giantess amazons food and object crush fetish verbal humiliation foot fetish bare feet foot domination foot humiliation stomping female domination femdom female supremacy fantasies fantasy amateur candid kink @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please see my profile!
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