This is a complete subtitled video, speaking openly or censorship about EVERYTHING you need to know to have anal sex, it is a guide from 0 to 100, where I explain everything from cleaning, eating and dilation, I talk about the different types of lubricant It is an excellent video for -Single guys who want to experiment -Couples who have not dared to do it there or who have had bad experiences trying it before -Content creators or actresses who only do vaginal and would like to do anal content or show By acquiring this video you can write to me if you have any questions, and I will gladly guide you ----------------------------------------- Este es un video completo subtitulado, hablando sin tapujos ni censura sobre TODO lo que debes saber para tener sexo anal, es una guia de 0 a 100, donde explico desde la limpieza, la alimentacion y la dilatacion, hablo de los distintos tipos de lubricante, es un excelente vide para -Chicos solos que deseen experimentar -Parejas que no se hayan animado a hacerlo por alli o que hayan tenido malas eperiencias intentandolo antes -Creadores de contenido o Actrices que solo hacen vaginal y quisieran hacer contenido o show anales Al adquirir este video podras escribirme si te quedo alguna duda, y con gusto te orientare
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