"<p><img src=""http://www.misskelle.com/C4S/images/kellecustoms.png""><p><i> I am a male chauvinist who meets you and does not believe in mesmerizing therapy. You mesmerize me and put in triggers to make me submissive. We meet and you discuss my beliefs and how you feel you can help me. <br> Use a covert induction, emphasize how drowsy and tired I am getting. My eyes are getting heavier and heavier. When the induction ends say something like goodnight. <br> You start by having me experience fear. Make the fear grow stronger and stronger until becomes almost unbearable. You tell me that any time I disobey You this is what I will feel and just like now the longer I disobey you the stronger the fear will become. Only being docile and obedient stops the fear.<br> Then you bring me out of trance and give me some commands. You notice I attempt to disobey and the feeling of fear begins. You tell me that it will get worse until I obey. Please throw in some of your evil laughs as I struggle to disobey. You know you have me completely controlled now. </i></p> "
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