Starring Luna, Orias and Stormy Night Deathtrap Films presents the third chapter of its first serial: "The Crimson Skull." This episode picks up where the last one left off: with Lady Justice's wannabe sidekick, Luna (played by Luna), in a desperate battle with the Crimson Skull's henchwoman, Greta (Orias), in the middle of an overgrown Florida park over who will retrieve a crystal integral to the Crimson Skull's diabolical plans. There's a reason Lady Justice so long resisted using Luna. She's young and inexperienced and hardly a match for the far more competent Greta. They will battle more than once in this chapter for possession of the crystal with poor Luna ultimately surprised in her own bed by the villainous Greta. Greta is under orders to eliminate Luna and the poor girl finds herself naked and hog-tied in her own bathtub, her nemesis leaving her to face her fate alone. Meanwhile, the Crimson Skull, having no more use for Winnonah (Stormy Night), the partner of his treacherous underling, gives her a final electric farewell. "The Crimson Skull" Chapter 3 is filmed in high definition 1920x1080 (format), MP4, scored and 24 minutes long, including a 90-second Detahtrap Films promo and a preview of The Crimson Skull Chapter 4. "The Crimson Skull" Chapter 3 contains crimefighting, superheroine, supervillain, bondage, nudity, bare feet, dirty feet, electricity, fighting, wrestling, scissorholds and catfighting.
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