Feat. Dacey Harlot Custom Order We decide we would like to partner up for a college project Dacey has invited you over and tells you we should get started on our work. Its a parenting project after all and she tell you she has the perfect idea. Dacey says she'll go grab you something to sip (you return with two and insist I guzzle mine down) as you finish it the camera begins to go fuzzy and you say "I am not feeling well." Dacey tells you to just close your eyes, when you wake up you'll be in your new state. ***camera cuts back to Dacey sitting over top of you, looking down. She starts to babble and tell you how cute you are in a fresh diaper. She tell you this is all apart of your project. Dacey thought there was no better way to do this parenting project than with some hands on experience! She tell you its time for some snacks and pulls out a bottle, putting it into your lips. She tease you and tells you how fun it is to hold and feed a classmate from a bottle! Dacey then decides its time for a nap. She puts you down and tells you to get some rest. ***camera cuts back to Dacey sitting over top of you, looking down. When Dacey returns she smiles down and picks you up from the floor. She realizes immediately as she wrinkles her nose that someone has used their diaper! She says "awww did someone make a messy wessy in their diapee for Step Mommy Dacey" She proceeds to change you with some more babbling and teasing. After this, she tell you that she better change you back before people begin to wonder where you went. All in all Dacey tells you to expect an A on this project as she has it all on video...but don't worry! When everyone sees the video they'll have no idea it was you as Dacey's diaper boy for the day. ABDL - REGRESSION - STINKY DIAPER - SHRINKING
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