Lily and Salma invited their friend Judy to their place. When Judy arrived, the women were already humiliating their slave monica. Judy was not at all surprised, since she had known for a long time that her friends had slaves and saw it with her own eyes, but always remained behind the scenes. Today she wanted to participate too. She sat down with Lily and Salma and ordered monica to lick her shoes. The slave turned away from Lily and Salma's feet and began to lick the dust off Judy's shoes. "Do you like to humiliate my step-sister? I told you she's a loser! Let her lick your bare feet!" - Salma said. Judy didn't mind and monica devotedly licked the sweat from her feet. Judy felt the tongue on her feet for the first time and she loved it. Now monica has another Mistress whom she is obliged to obey. monica's task for today is to lick Judy's, Lily's and Salma's feet until they are clean.
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