Fluffy is on his way to Stella's house when his travel plans go ary. Not only does he forget his phone in his uber like a total loser, his plane is delayed, way delayed. He has no way to contact Stella that he will be late so she waits aroud for him for hours before finding out that he has been trying to reach her through twitter. As if she has time to deal with this while trying to get ready. On top of having no clue when he will arrive from the airport, he needs her to get him a ride from the airport. When he arrives 5 hours later than expected, Stella is ready to start shooting. So ready that she drags Fluffy right inside by his ear and throws him down over her knee to give him a good reprimanding. No one is late for a shoot with Stella Liberty and this is why. Fluffy soon discovered how much he screwed up when Stella rips off his pants and gives him a stern bare handed spanking. Her stiff palm is all he needs to get right in line. Now that is ass is red and burning its time to get to work
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