You are head over heels in love with Me. You want to devote your life to Me but when I entrance you, I make that desire outweigh everything else in your life. Serving Me is your only priority. I showcase My ownership over your brain, reminding you of all the ways I have permanently changed your brain. One trigger shuts your tired brain OFF and all you are capable of is DROPPING DEEPER. I charm your subconscious wide and while you cannot think or understand what I am doing, I sew new fabric into your mind intertwining every thread with IVY. Your IVY addiction is turning into a compulsion you cannot ignore anymore. You must suffer for IVY. You don’t want to be free, you need to feel smaller and more controlled by IVY. Life only makes sense when you are slaving away for your God Ivy. I bring you back to reality being more addicted and enslaved to Me than ever before. Watch this clip after you have watched all of My induction and trigger clips. Wear earbuds or headphones and dim the lights too, drone.
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