Custom Videos. POV: You have an interview for a job opening. Farrah greets you and begins your interview. During the beginning of the interview Farrah mentions her nose being stuffed due to something going around the office and asks if its alright if she relieves it with some induced sneezes. You don't mind and so she goes ahead to induce big sneezes and doesn't even turn away but instead unleashing them right at you, the sneeze spray hitting you right in the face. As things continue, she keeps asking questions and sneezing. Soon she asks if its alright to continue the interview in the bathroom due ot having such a busy morning she hasn't had a chance to go. You again agree and you two move to the bathroom. She has you sit across from her as she uses the toilet. As she goes to the bathroom, she keeps the interview going. She does 1 and 2 ont he toilet while also asking questions and sneezing. She then asked for you pencil.....she uses it to tease an itch....that is on her clit.....causing her a nice orgasm. Then she asks for your shirt which you agree to and toss it to her. She then blows her snotty into it and then uses it to wipe. She tosses it back at you and flushes. Then she wraps up the interview and shakes your hand, letting you know to expect a call within a day or two about the job.
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