You can not go a day without masturbating, each time you masturbate you become weaker. You've formed a chronic masturbation addiction from the constant porn benders. Addicted to jerking your sexless appendage whenever you get a chance. Addicted to the rush of shutting out the outside world and slipping deep inside your porn cravings. Preferring self pleasure over actual intercourse.. pumping to my gorgeous body.. my sensually sadistic words so perfectly crafted. You love stroking to me porn gooner. You love spending your money on me and masturbating. You've permanently changed the way your brain functions due to the constant touching.. the constant stroking. Porn has broken your brain!! Your penis is already physically less sensitive, you will continue to feel less pleasure when being with a woman – and that’s if you don’t suffer from porn induced erectile dysfunction first!! You will never find an adequate replacement for the porn of mine you've jerked to! You're a porn broken gooner for Empress Jozefien fueled by your horny porn filled brain. Impress me with me markup code.
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