I had to come clean today! Your small penis just doesn't satisfy me although we have been together for so many years. My love for you is strong, but you're just not built like a man. I have to come clean and explain I have been fucking your co-worker cuz he has a fat big thick 9 inch cock. When you "try" to fuck me, I feel like you're humping the bed. I don't feel penetration, however when I come clean I tell you the night you ate my pussy, you loved how good I tasted. However, the condom broke on his big fat dick and you ate his cum. I want to be with you because I do love you but you're not a man. I think we have decided your best role in our relationship sexually is just to be a cuckwhore. Eating man cum and spoiling your beautiful girl. I bet you will love to be our cuck in this relationship. Your beefy man clit is not working out, so we have to stay together but have our options open. I LOVE BIG FAT COCK and you are like 4 inches hard and I feel nothing and you need to know your place. HAHAHAHAHAHA
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