Oh, honey, honey! Wake up! Oh you are having one of those horrible nightmares again. Oh honey, you are trembling. This is just the worst when I have to watch you in such pain, such panic. It's ok, honey, mommy is here now. I will do anything to make you feel better. Just try to breathe and relax. Do you trust mommy? This might feel weird at first but just go with it, relax, and let mommy take care of your cock. Shhh, shhh sweet boy, mommas going to take every anxiety out of your body. And you know the best way to make sure the anxiety is ALL gone and the nightmares will end, right? Cum inside your mothers tight, wet pussy, of course! Enjoy! Xo, Vera James tags: POV, taboo, mommy role play, MILF, virtual sex, intimate, dirty talk, breeding, mommys boy, riding cowgirl, reality porn
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