On Christmas Eve, I open my front door to find a weirdo claiming to be Santa. He even rented reindeer that are parked on my lawn. I roll my eyes when he says that I need to learn a lesson, and decide to let him in to explain himself. When we get to my Christmas tree, a red gift bag appears. Inside it holds several toys from my past, that have been long gone. Quickly I realize it is Santa and swear that I believe. He asks am a wee one, because just a few minutes earlier I insisted only little ones do. One last present appears, it's a binkie! I I tell Santa I want to make it up to him for being so harsh earlier, but when I go to take off my robe, my lingerie has been replaced with silly pajamas and a crinkly diaper! At first, I'm freaking out that I'm dressed so immature but then as I suck on the binky, I begin to regress. The next morning, I'm under the Christmas tree in my pretty little dress in a new diaper. Santa must have changed me into a new diaper and pretty dress while I was napping. To my surprise, you're smiling at me. You must be my new step-daddy! Santa must have known exactly what both of us needed to for Christmas! This content was written by the talented Personalias! He can be found on Twitter.
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