She has you in Her clutches and there is no possibility of escape... you have no idea how She got into your home, but one thing is clear; you're fucked. Tightly bound in by Her skilled hands, She lays out your future as Her personal detainee. She has full control of your finances... your home... your identity, and She intends to use you as Her little puppet to take even MORE from you! It's totally possible for Her to pull the strings without anyone noticing that something is amiss; Her skills extend past complicated knots and breaking and entering- She knows how to replicate you over and over again using AI technology; several puppets to control and drain simultaneously. Once She has everything She can conceivably take from you, She will take the last thing you have to offer; the very breath that gives you life. She won't need the organic you anymore- you'll work for Her digitally FOREVER! To think, if only your porn addiction hadn't alerted Her to your spending habits... maybe you wouldn't have looked like such an easy mark.
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